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Showing posts from December, 2020

A Message from A Friend to (SW)2!

From: Matt Zrebski - Teaching Artist at Oregon Children's Theatre and Teen West Project Opening Day? Opening Night? The language has changed during this bizarre time...but it's here! Breaking Character: Frames of Mind Out today for streaming - and FREE - don't miss 7 premiere works in 90 minutes - all penned and performed by extraordinary emerging talents... Directed/Dramaturged/Scored by me. It's remarkable what these young artists have done during this challenging era... Support and enjoy!!! RESERVE YOUR LINK TO VIEW!

It's Time to Shut UP!

 ...and no, that's not as brusque as it might sound!   Shut Up! You Can't Tell Me What To Do. You're Not My Real Dad! (or Shut Up! for short) is (SW)2's long running, student-written microplay festival, going up this May. 'If it's going up in May, Miller, why are you talking about it now?'  Because we need plays!  This is where you come in... The first phase of Shut Up! is the playwriting phase...and that starts this Wednesday at 130pm.  It's easy stuff, a fantastic group of people led by directors Ainsley Leof and Abby Steward, and fun!   Want to know more?  Come to the Writer's Workshop on Wednesday, or email the directors, er, directly at: Link to the Writer's Workshop:

Screening Today! Join WHS in supporting this national project...

  JOIN US FOR OUR LIVESTREAM ON MONDAY, DECEMBER 14TH AT 7 PM PST AT TINYURL.COM/VAPACHANNEL Please join us for a post show discussion following the reading at For more information about this national event, and to read the 7 winning playwrights bios please visit For more information, visit the PPS VAPA page Featuring performers and technicians from across PPS...Including some familiar faces from WHS!

A Time-Sensitive, But Awesome Local/National Project!

  So...this was something that came across my email recently: For anyone who is looking to get involved with a real-world, but virtually produced, project to fill their creative niche, this is the one for you!  Top-shelf local directors, a variety of phenomenal local youth and adult's an awesome opportunity, y'all! But the timeline is short!  I need a committed response by Friday at noon, or it's off the table...and earlier means more choice in what you can do, as we're not the only ones who've been pursued for these opportunities: -Actors: Mel - Hullabaloo; Will - Loaded Language -Line Producers (training by Artists Rep staff included!): Malcolm, Ghost Gun, Loaded Language Links are here to:  SCRIPTS CASTING BREAKDOWNS NATIONAL PROJECT INFO Let me know at if you're interested AND YOU CAN FULLY COMMIT!   (you can also email me if you have any questions...) j.