It's time!
Auditions will begin for the first annual Found Footage Film Festival (the F4) at 200pm on November 11th! That's tomorrow!
-Please read through the scripts you're interested in! Scripts are available at
-Make a copy of and return the Audition Form, so the Directors will know a little about what you bring to the table! Audition Forms are, you guessed it, available at
-Check in/log into Zoom anytime between 145pm and 200pm on 11/11 at the following audition link:
-Open a copy of the Scripts document from the F4'll need that for readings.
-You'll hang out in the main room during the auditions, and we'll shift you into breakout rooms for your general audition reads two at a time. Your reads will come from the scripts...but you won't know until you get in the room. Be flexible!
-After everyone gets a couple of reads, we'll take a break, then start calling individuals and groups into Callback reads as selected by the Directors.
-The Callbacks will be grouped cold readings from the'll read at least once or twice.
-You'll be released by 400pm, unless there's something which the Directors really need to see.
-We'll post a set of Cast Lists at the F4 blog by 11:59, 11/11. We're hoping to use as many actors as we possibly can!
-Directors will also reach out to casts on their be checking your emails!
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