In a way I've never meant before, congratulations on making it through the 19/20 school year! Usually when we say that as teachers, there's an air of both legitimate congratulations and mundane commiseration that we've made it through another school year: Learning and growth happened (yay!), tedious boredom endured (well, not everything is exciting), challenges overcome, and limits both met and pushed. That said, all of this has a sense of 'one more down, x more to go'...just one in a string of the like. Regardless of our successes, there is often this sense of it really being nothing all that special...after all, people do it everyday, right? Enter 2020 saying 'hold my [insert beverage of choice]'. There is nothing at all normal or mundane about getting successfully to the end of this school year. None of our traditional measures work right now. There were no grades to boost (or destroy) our egos, keep us motivated, or overwhelm us. There w...